Thursday, July 16, 2009


I. Answer any 5 of the following questions .Each carries 2 marks
1. Differentiate between mass and weight of a body ?
2. A body is projected vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 40 m / sec .find the maximum
height reached by a body ( g = 10 m / sec )
3. Distinguish between rotatory and circular motion .
4. Give example for oscillatory motion observed in your day to day life
5. What is a resonating air column ?
6 Distinguish between orbit and orbital ?
7 Draw the shape of water molecule and PCL5 molecule
II. Answer any 4 of the following questions .Each carries 1 marks
1. Define the least count of a screw gauge ?
2. Define the weight of a body ?
3. What is the necessity of banking angle ?
4. What is radiography ?
5. Define electron affinity ?
6 What is the shape of ammonia molecule
III. Answer any 4 of the following questions .Each carries 4 marks
1. How do you determined the diameter of a wire using a screw gauge ?
2. Derive the relation between acceleration due to gravity and universal gravitational constant
3. Derive the formula for banking of roads
4. Distinguish between progressive and stationary waves ?
5. State and explain with one example the hund’s rule for maximum multiplicity
6 Explain the formation of Double in oxygen molecule ?

I. Answer any 5 of the following questions .Each carries 2 marks
1. What is the use of a tap- key ? Explain its working ?
2. State Joule's law?
3. Define Watt- hour .What is Kilo - Watt - hours ?
4. State Ampere's Right hand rule ?
5. What is dynamo ? What is the principle ?
6. Distinguishes between ohmic and non- ohmic conductors ?
7. Mention some of the applications where D.C motor and A.C motor are used ?
II. Answer any 4 of the following questions .Each carries 1 marks
1. Define Volt?
2. . What are Ohmic and Non- Ohmic conductors ? Give examples ?
3. . Write an expression for R and p of a substances ?
4. What is mutual induction ?
5. Define drift of electron .
II. Answer any 4 of the following questions .Each carries 4 marks
1. Describe an experiment to verify Ohm's law ?
2. To prove 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2
3. How do you verify second law of electrolysis in the laboratory ?
4. Describe with a neat diagram showing important parts of an AC DYNAMO . explain ?
5. Distinguishes between step- up and step down transformer ?
6. Explain the working of a transformer ?

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